Tuesday, March 23, 2010

HOSA State Compatition

So I went to the compatition up in Layton and I had so much fun. I didn't win anything but the main reason I went was to say that I went on a school trip haha!
These are my new sexy shoes that my mom bought me to go with my "business attire" clothes (which I had to go buy some because I did not own a single business attire artical of clothing)
Here are two of my awsome roomies! Autumn (in red) and chelsea (she has her back turned lol)
I was actually taking the picture and the chair went back farther than I thought and it scared me lol
Cute me lol ;-)
These are my dirt feet afte walking from the confrence center back to the hotel cause I didn't want to wear my shoes (they weren't broken in yet)
This is me and Autumn. I love this picture cause she is actually looking at my face but it looks like she is checkin out clevage! I harassed her for this one when I saw it lol (the memories)
Between these two pictures (above and below) these are all the girls from my CNA class that went on the trip (top picture:Jessica Stirland, Chelsea Corran, Jordyn Thomas, ME, and Casey Christensen)
Chelsea Corran, Katelyn (i can't remember), Autumn (i can't remember either), and ME. THESE ARE ALL MY ROOMIES!
Katelyn looks like she is totally pissed and Autumn looks like a pig hahahaahaha!
Katelyn looks like she is going to murder me in my sleep and Autumn has the expression like "hi! i'm here!"
I look freaky steve in this picture!

1 comment:

  1. Look at you all growing up and acting like a big girl!!! except maybe the dirty feet part. ha ha
